Friday, November 23, 2007

It's been a bit of a while

Well the wedding went smoothly enough. Idiot proletarians spoiled it, of course. Two of our (former) friends, who were neighbours where we used to live, were invited. Unfortunately they turned up drunk, started abusing my guests at the reception, and quaffed about half the wine we'd provided for out guests to enjoy between them.

Then the male of the couple (no names... it wouldn't be fair to expose him publicly on here as a Total Twat) thought it would be good to attack me physically. I need to admit it now, I kicked him in the chest. But he had hold of my ankle, and he was trying to bite my foot; I was only trying to free my foot. The idiot.

Still, he was turfed out, and the police called. They interviewed his wife; the report I got from the solicitors that were nearby (and present as guests) was that her version of events differed substantially from the events that actually happened.

I proceeded to get very, very drunk.

The wine, by the way, wasn't paid for by us; it was a gift from my wife's boss. A lady who has earned my respect, not because of this gift (although it was an exceptional gift), but through other matters, which might gain exposure on my blog as time progresses.